
Estelle LHOEST
Adresse : Résidence du Bois Madame, 7
4130, ESNEUX
Tél. : +32 4 3552941
Fax : +32 4 3552941
GSM : +32 476 993132

Diplôme principal : Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire
Obtenu à : ULg en 2002

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
- Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Sciences Vétérinaires, (Evaluation de la couverture nutritionnelle des carnivores hospitalisés). Université de Liège, 2002
- Master en Sciences des Animaux de Laboratoire, 2008
- Diplôme Universitaire en Phytothérapie à la Faculté de Médecine de Clermont Ferrand, 2008
Formations complémentaires :
Membre de sociétés savantes :
- European Society Veterinary Comparative Nutrition
Publications :
LHOEST E., DETILLEUX J., VANDENHEEDE M., HANSENNE M., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Epidémiologie de l'obésité en Belgique et en France chez le chien. Le nouveau praticien vétérinaire. 2005, 425, 77-80.
JEUSETTE I., E. LHOEST, L. ISTASSE, M. DIEZ. Influence of obesity on plasma lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in dogs. American Journal of Veterinary Research. 2005, 66, 1, 81-86.

Premier auteur
LHOEST E., JEUSETTE I., CLAEYS S., VAN WETTER E., BALLIGAND M., DIEZ M. Nutritional evaluation and support in the surgery unit: retrospective study at the veterinary school of Liège. In: Proceedings of the 14th ECVIM-CA congress, Barcelona, Spain, September 2004.
LHOEST E., JEUSETTE I., CLAEYS S., BALLIGAND M., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. How to manage obesity in growing giant dogs? In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Budapest, Hungary, September, 2004.
LHOEST E., CLAEYS S., GABRIEL A., DETILLEUX J., BALLIGAND M., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Is there a difference between energy balance of cats hospitalised for surgical or for medical reasons? In: Proceedings of the ECVIM congress, Glasgow, UK, September 2005. P.31.
LHOEST E., DETILLEUX J., VANDENHEEDE M., HANSENNE M, ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. An epidemiological study of canine obesity. In: Proceedings of the Waltham International Nutrition Sciences Symposium - Innovations in Companion Animal Nutrition, Washington, DC, USA, September 15-18, 2005, p.71.
LHOEST E., DETILLEUX J., VANDENHEEDE M., HANSENNE M., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. How vets and veterinary students feed their own dog. In: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the ESVCN, Grugliasco, Italy, September 22nd-24th, 2005, p.73.
LHOEST E., CLAEYS S., SAULNER-TROFF F., BALLIGAND M., CLERCX C., DETILLEUX J., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Health status of dogs referred to the consultation of clinical nutrition at the Faculty of Liège in Belgium. In: Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Leipzig, Germany, 1-3 November, 2007, p 85.

JEUSETTE I., DAMINET S., DETILLEUX J., LHOEST E., NGUYEN P., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Thyroid hormones in obese dogs submitted to a weight loss protocol. Obesity Reviews, 6, Supplement 1, Abstract #P114, p.47.
JEUSETTE I., LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Obesity resulted in a significant increase in blood lipids in dogs. In: Proceedings of the American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition (AAVN) Clinical Nutrition and Research Symposium in collaboration with the ESVCN, Minneapolis, USA, June 9th 2004.
JEUSETTE I. NGUYEN P, LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Effect of ovariectomy and ad libitum feeding on body composition, ghrelin and leptin plasma concentrations. In : Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Budapest, Hungary, September, 2004.
DE LOVINFOSSE T., DETILLEUX J., PICAVET P., LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Analysis of canine and feline uroliths in Benelux. A retrospective study: 1994-2004. FECAVA-FEEVA-Voorjaarsdagen Congress, April 2005.
KIRSCHVINK N., LHOEST E., LEEMANS J., DELVAUX F., ISTASSE L., GUSTIN P., DIEZ M. Effects of feeding frequency on water intake in cats. J. Vet. Int. Med, ACVIM 23rd Annual Forum, Baltimore, 2005. Abstract #277.
JEUSETTE I., DAMINET S., DETILLEUX J., LHOEST E., NGUYEN P., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Thyroid hormones in obese dogs submitted to a weight loss protocol. Obesity Reviews Volume 6 Supplement pp 1-112 - 14th European Congress on obesity 1-4 June 2005, Athens Greece
JEUSETTE I., HORNICK J.L., DELOBEL A., LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Effects of short-chain fructooligosaccharides supplementation during weight loss on lipoprotein concentrations in dogs. In: Proceedings of the Waltham International Nutrition Sciences Symposium - Innovations in Companion Animal Nutrition, Washington, DC, USA, September 15-18, 2005, p.72.
KIRSCHVINK N., LHOEST E., LEEMANS J., DELVAUX F., ISTASSE L., GUSTIN P., DIEZ M. Water intake is influenced by feeding frequency and energy allowance in cats. In: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the ESVCN, Grugliasco, Italy, September 22nd-24th, 2005, p.68.
DIEZ M., DONEUX B., SCHOBYN P., LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., BIOURGES V. Clinical cases: use of a low fat diet in hyperlipidaemic dogs. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Nantes, France, October, 2006.
SWIONTEK V., DETILLEUX J., HERY J., LHOEST E., ISTASSE L., DIEZ M. Statistical relations between obesity in dogs and associated diseases. In: Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the ESVCN, Nantes, France, 5-7 October, 2006, p. 192.
KIRSCHVINK N., LHOEST E., LEEMANS J., DELVAUX F., ISTASSE L., GUSTIN P., BIOURGES V., DIEZ M. Effects on water intake of dietary mannitol, sodium chloride and food frequency in healthy cats. In: Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Nantes, France, October, 2006.
VANSTRAZEELE B., PASTEN-VARGAS S., LHOEST E., DETILLEUX J., DORTU P., GROLET L., ISTASSE L., REMY C., DIEZ M. The effects of two levels of energy allowances on growth in captive neonates Testudo hermanni boettgeri. In: Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the ESVCN, Leipzig, Germany, 1-3 November, 2007, p. 90.
Activités professionnelles :
consultation généraliste petits animaux axée principalement sur l'utilisation des aliments, des aliments complémentaires, de la phytothérapie et de l'aromathérapie : 20 cas/semaine en moyenne
Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
assistant pendant 5 ans à FMV de Liège, responsable des consultations de nutrion petits animaux et de l'alimentation pour les patients hospitalisés (charge d'enseignement 20 h/semaine).
Conférencier pour Procter and Gamble en 2003.
Conférencier en nutrition pour les kinésithérapeutes se spécialisant en médecine vétérinaire depuis 2008.
Professeur au Diplôme Inter-Universitaire de Phytothérapie des écoles vétérinaires françaises depuis 2018.

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