
Stefan ROELS
Adresse : CODA/CERVA - Groeselenberg 99
1180, UCCLE
Tél. : +32 2 3790547
Fax : +32 2 3790479

Diplôme principal : Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire
Obtenu à : UGent en 1991

Diplôme(s) secondaire(s) :
- Doctorat (Dr en sciences vétérinaires ; 2000 ; UGent)
- Recognition as TSE expert (technical auditor) for and by Beltest - Belac (2001)
- Certificate of Project leader (FELASA C) ( 2006)
Formations complémentaires :
- Internal auditor (certificat delivered by 'Laboratorium Accreditatie Benelux', Pieters Consulting, 1997)
Membre de sociétés savantes :
- Nominated as Belgian expert for participation in the Network Group on National Contacts involved in the coordination of BSE/TSE Risk Analysis (European Food Safety Agency - EFSA) by FOD (2006)
- Designated as National focal point of contact for the OIE concerning Wildlife diseases by FOD ( 2007).
- President of Belgian Working Group on Animal Pathology ( (2003)
- Vice president of the Belgian Society of Wildlife Disease (
- Board of Belgian Week of Pathology ( (2006)
- Board of World Rabbit Science Association (Belgian branch) (2005)
- Member of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology (
Publications :
Le génotypage, une stratégie de lutte contre la tremblante, nécessaire . mais pas suffisante (2006) (Article written by Johanna Dupuis based on an oral presentation and review of Roels S) Filière Ovine et Caprine 15, 2-5. (NPR)
"Chronic Wasting Disease": de BSE van de hertachtigen - eerste resultaten van een controle in Wallonië (2006) (De Bosschere H., Roels S., Vanopdenbosch E.) De Vlaamse Jager, maart, 26-27. (NPR)
Erge alopecie bij reeën (Capreolus capreolus) door demodexschruft (2006) (De Bosschere H., Casaer J., Neukermans A., Baert K., Tavernier P., Roels S.) De Vlaamse Jager, juni, 34-35. (NPR)
First chronic wasting disease (CWD) surveillance of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in the Northern part of Belgium (2006) (De Bosschere H., Saegerman C., Neukermans A., Berkvens D., Casaer J., Vanopdenbosch E. and Roels S.) Veterinary Quarterly 28 (2), 54-60.
Hepatic lipidosis in a Captive North American porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) (2006) (De Bosschere H., Roels S., Vanopdenbosch E) Veterinary Research Communications 30 (8), 907-910.
"Complex genotypes" in sheep detected BY PrNP genotyping: an in vitro approach (2006) (Renard C., De Sloovere J.,De Filette M., Vanopdenbosch E., Roels S). Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 75, 450-456.
Verroucous valvular endocarditis due to Pasteurella multocida in a cat (2006) (De Bosschere H., Roels S, Vanopdenbosch E) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 75, 457-460.
Actualisation and interval validation of an helping tool for BSE clinical decision in Belgium (2006) (Plouvier B, Berkvens D, Mennens K, Vanopdenbosch E, Roels S and Saegerman C) Epidémiology et santé animale 50, 105-111.
First isolation of Morganella morganii from a domestic rabbit with broncho-pneumonia (2007) (Roels S, Wattiau P, Fretin D, Butaye P and Vanopdenbosch E) Veterinary Record 161, 530-531.
Severe alopecia due to demodecosis in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Belgium (2007) (De Bosschere H., Casaer J., Neukermans A., Baert K., Tavernier P., Roels S.) Veterinary Journal ( Corrected Proof available online 5 december 2006). Volume 174 (3), 665-668.
Sanitary control in bovine embryo transfer. How far should we go? A review (2007) (Van Soom A, Imberechts H, Delahaut Ph, Thiry E, Van Roy V, Walravens K, Roels S & Saegerman C) Veterinary Quarterly 29 (1), 2 - 17.
DNA immunization with plasmids encoding fusion and nucleocapsid proteins of BRSV induces a strong cell-mediated immunity and protects calves against challenge. (2007) (Boxus M, Tignon M, Roels S, Toussaint JF, Walravens K, Benoit MA, Coppe Ph, Letesson JJ, Letellier C and Kerkhofs P.) Journal of Virology 81(13), 6879-6889. (Epub ahead of print Apr 25)
Classification of Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Based on Clinical and Neuropathological Characteristics. (2007) (Cortiñas Abrahantes J, Aerts M, van Everbroeck B, Saegerman S, Berkvens D, Geys H, Mintiens K, Roels S and Cras P) European Journal of Epidemiology 22, 457-465. (Epub ahead of print June 21)
Cerebellar cortical atrophy in a Belgian Blue cow associated with lesions described in Human Norma-Jaeken disease. (2008) (Roels S, Lausberg P, Letellier C, Vanopdenbosch E) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 77 (6), 411-414.
Vaccination of calves using the BRSV nucleocapid protein in a DNA prime-protein boost strategy stimulates cell-mediated immunity and protects the lungs against BRSV replication and pathology (2008) (Letellier C, Boxus M, Rosar L, Toussaint J-F, Walravens K, Roels S, Meyer G, Letesson J-J and Kerkhofs P)Vaccine 26 (37), 4840-4848.
Isolation of Streptococcus suis from a cat with meningoencephalitis (2009)(Roels S, Devroye O, Buys H, Smith H, Butaye P) Veterinary Microbiology 136, 206-207.
Listeriosia monocytogenes-associated meniningoencephalitis in cattle clinically suspected of bovine spongigiform encephalopathy in Belgium (1998- 2006). (2009) (Roels S, Dobly A, De Sloovere J, Geeroms R, Vanopdenbosch E) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 78 (3) , 177-181
Risk assessment of laboratories involving the manipulation of unconventional agents causing TSE (2009) (Leunda-Casi A, Pauwels K, Herman Hh, Verheust C, Zorzi W, Thellin O, Roels S , Van Vaerenbergh B) The Belgian Biosafety Server,
Implementatie van een TSE -discriminatietest voor kleine herkauwers in het Nationaal referentielaboratorium voor veterinaire TSE (CODA). (2009) (Roels S, Dobly A) Labinfo 2, april, 10 (NPR).
Lethal Ricin Intoxication in Two Adult Dogs: Toxicologic and Histopathologic Findings. (2010) (Roels S, Coopman V, Vanhaelen P, Cordonnier J) Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic iInvestigation 22 (3), 466-468.
Tick-borne encephalitis in Europe: Review of an emerging zoonosis. (2010) (Roelandt S, Heyman P, Tavernier P, Roels S) Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift 79, 23-31.
No H- and L-type cases in Belgium in cattle diagnosed with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (1999-2008) aging seven years and older. (Dobly A, Langeveld J, van Keulen L, Rodeghiero C, Durand S, Geeroms R, Van Muylem P, De Sloovere J, Vanopdenbosch E, Roels S) BMC Veterinary Research 2010 May 21;6(1):26. [Epub ahead of print]

(NPR = non peer reviewed)
Activités professionnelles :
DMV (1991) Faculté Vétérinaire de Gand (Merelbeke)
Service militaire (comme co-responsable banque de peau de l'unité de brulure (Hôpital militaire Reine Astrid - Neder over Heembeek) : 01/10/1991 - 29/08/1992
Plusieurs intérims dans des practices vétérinaires (petits animaux) : 07/1991 - 09/1992
Full time assistent à la faculté (laboratoire de Pathologie) : 01/10/1992 - 01/09/1997
CODA / CERVA : de 01/09/1997 - présent :
- Full time assistant at the departement Biocontrôl - Section of Pathology (till 31/08/01)
- Recognition as head of the National Reference Laboratory for TSE (17th of July 2001).
- Full time first present assistant at the departement Biocontrol - Section of Pathology (till 30/09/02)
- Full time workleader at the departement Biocontrol - Section of Pathology (from 01/10/02)
- Full time workleader qualified teacher (geaggregeerd werkleider) / Workleader (SW3) (from 01/02/07)
- Head of the Unit "Surveillance, Orientation and Veterinary Support" (BODO), Head of Subunit "Pathology & Prionology", at the Operational direction Surveillance & Interactions (from 15/06/2010)
Expérience(s) professionelle(s) :
Expérience(s) pédagogique(s) :
- Recognition as tutor and / or lecturer (nø 19/7249) from the Ministry of the Flemish Community (Unit Formation in Agriculture) (29th of January 2002).
- Several oral & poster presentations (> 100) during national and international meetings / Symposia
- Invited lecturer (TSE & pathology) at University of Porto (Portugal), University of Ghent (PUO & IPV), EFSA, FOD , FAVV, CVV-IVK Belgian Week of Pathology, international symposia (Japan, USA) & national (local) meetings (with breeders, personnel of rendering plant, .), à

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